Thursday, May 28, 2009

Buzz Up ~ ( Click on this post's title to go to original Buzz Up topic. ) I'd like to reiterate that I believe there needs to be less involvement in wars and more being done on the home front, as well as around the world to change the state of things that are effecting all cohabitants of this planet. If we don't get it together as humans to make these needed changes for the PLANET on which we all have to co-habitat, then none of the politics, warfare, or money mongering that seems to be the current focus, will matter anyway. Lets pray that the younger generations learn from our foolish mistakes, and are wiser then we, and pull together for issues that really matter for the benefit of their children's lives. ( I have a son who took a tour of Iraq before his 25th birthday, who luckier than some made it back to his family. He didn't go to a war for the love of greed and oil, but because he took an oath for his country to fight for the rights of people such as myself to have the freedom of speech which allows me to state this my personal opinion. )


  1. Marcy, I wanted to read the article, but it's no longer up.

    "Let's pray that the younger generations learn from our foolish mistakes. . ."

    I hope so, but, so far, we (as a country) haven't been too smart about learning from mistakes.

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  4. Susan I think if you click on the post title it redirects to the Buzz Up Article. It was a blog post concerning the whole "N. Korea / S. Korea current affairs.

  5. My dad's in Iraq right now. He's due home in September. We miss him very much but we support him and his decision to join the national guard.

    Support Our Troops

    "Evil prevails when good men do nothing" -Edmund Burke

  6. Jame God's speed to your father's return trip home. I also whole heartidly support the troops. I just don't feel right now that we need more involvement in another war. We must always support our troops!


Penny for your thoughts?