Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Stranger Among Snakes"

The perks of living in a remote country setting is that your visitors aren't always expected, or ordinary. I met this "little fellow" today. He didn't stay long and was on the move when I tried to capture the moment! ;) He disappeared under some old wood, just as I managed this shot! Don't worry he's not in any danger. ;)


  1. Wow, that thing looks huge! where do you find these scary creatures at!? I think i would scream if i came across That in my yard!

  2. Jame my "yard" consists of 5 acres, which is in itself surrounded by many acres of natural forest and mountains, so there is planty of room for me to "cross paths" with many creatures! These ones you refer to as scary, are actually the smaller creatures in comparison to the bears! ( I can picture you screaming and scaring the poor snake away, and totally missing the Kodak Moment! ;) LoL )

  3. Five acres? Wow! No wonder you have such an abundace of flora and fauna.

    What neck of the West Virginia woods are you in?

  4. Look up SnowShoe Mountain ski resort, I'm not far from it. =]


Penny for your thoughts?