Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fresh from the vine...

and oh so devine! Strawberry shortcake anyone? =]


  1. Did you say strawberry shortcake? I'll be right over.

  2. I just had handfuls of strawberries yesterday at my little sister's graduation :) As for strawberry shortcake, I love the food and the cartoon!

    Thanks for the kind words you left on the blog about my failed going away party. That sucked, but I'm feeling better now!

    Shawna's Study Abroad

  3. Susan hello you! I'll be sure to save you "two" pieces of strawberry shortcake! ;) That'll be less cake for me to get my fork, spoon, and or fingers onto! LoL

  4. Shawna, I'm glad you're feeling better now, and I hope your summer break is turning out to be a wonderful time of fun for you! PS: I love the Strawberry Shortcake Cartoon as well. ;)


Penny for your thoughts?