Tuesday, June 16, 2009

If only Blogger had scratch and sniff !!!!!

I care take an old family cemetery which adjoins my property. It is the resting place of my great grandparents, and theirs before them. Though many people find cemeteries to be lonely, sometimes scary places, I am just the opposite. I love going there, love reading the stones and learning about the lives and the history of those resting there. I find it to be a peaceful serene place to reflect on life. Many of the flowers there have been there for as many years as my ancestors stones. Their aroma adds to the tranquility of the place itself. I went there today to mow the grass, but got caught in a sudden downpour of rain. I didn't get the mowing done, but I did manage to capture a few shots of some of the beautiful flowers!


  1. What a beautiful heirloom rose. It looks like a Gertrude Jekyll. Sniff. Sniff. I CAN almost smell it!

  2. tehe you say the cutest things ;)

  3. Oh these are beautiful - much prettier than the ones out front of my house, I'll be sharing those photos later this week. I know what you mean about the scratch and sniff - as I was taking picture I was so thrilled with the smell I picked some of the spent flowers and am drying them for potpouri...

  4. very pretty! i don't think i've ever seen a rose like that before. it looks unique


Penny for your thoughts?